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I'll never forget the first thing Lauren said to me when I arrived at the hotel where the girls were getting ready for the big day--she greeted me with, "I'm so glad you're here!" How awesome is that? I don't know exactly what she was thinking or meant by that, but I was/am so happy to have shared in Lauren and Tony's first day as husband and wife. Lauren is a photographer herself and I just adored her. Even now, when she emails she's always so sweet and I wish she lived closer because she's the kind of girl that I'd like to be friends with. Congratulations Tony--you've got a keeper on your hands!!!
While Quincy has become my home and I absolutely love with it's historic nuances, I grew up in a small town. Now, when I say small, I mean 150 people small. I went to Central (Camp Point) and graduated with a little over 60 other seniors. My life revolved (literally) around basketball and volleyball and the girls that played right alongside me. Anyone relating? Rosy and Gary can. While they are loyal fans of one my old rivals, Mendon, they still have that feeling of home. There isn't an awkward silence or uncomfortableness, they just are "warm". They know me as the girl with the really, really long braid who always played sports. And that is comforting :)
I've taken pics at their house a couple times now. Rosy is a master gardener and Gary has built an amazing barn with all sorts of awesome collections--the Cardinals, rulers, neon signs... the ultimate "guy" hangout. We documented a little of that alongside of them. They're also animal lovers, lots of cats and Ernie the dog. Just for kicks--we got an "X" rated shot of the cat near the end of the shoot (close your eyes if you're under 18 :)
Cute, lil' ol' Megan just happens to be one of my senior reps. this year. In about a week, she'll have discount cards to hand out giving seniors 20% off print prices! Find her! :)
Jumpin' for joy... I'm pregnant with Baby #2! Brecken has so gracefully told most of our friends that, "Mommy has a baby in her tummy," so I'd thought I'd share with you. So don't be completely thrown off when I show up to your winter wedding/session sporting some awesome maternity pants ;) because we all know how lovely maternity pants can be (feel the sarcasm here??) However, that does happen to be a bit better than the stage I'm in now... did she gain some weight? Is that a beer gut? All you Mommies out there are laughing because you most definitely have been there. I'm feeling much better than I did weeks ago and I'm ready to keep rolling with some awesome weddings to finish the year. Come March though... I think I'll be taking some time off to snuggle a squish baby! Yay! To finish, I thought I share a couple updated pics of my first baby, Brecken.

Mr. B. has the softest, fluffiest baby hair you have EVER felt. In fact, up until he was one, it defied every bit of gravity and stood on end -- even when it was inches long. So, so, so cute! It made me a little sad that it no longer does that :( I guess that means he's growing up. We combined a few family pictures along with his 1st birthday pictures. In fact, I think I have a new favorite portrait--check out the one of him covering his face with the cowboy hat; doesn't that make you want to just squeeze that tummy?!? Happy Birthday beautiful boy!
Janel has been itching for a sneak peek... can you blame her? Look at these beauties! The oldest, Ms. S., LOVES the camera. She would let me take her portrait all day long ;) The youngest, Ms. J., well... like many her age, she would much rather roam and run than sit long enough to get hers taken. I have so many to show you Janel; I can't wait to share!
I love night pictures. I don't get to shoot them too terribly often--they're romantic, artsy and so awesomely unique. Ben and Keeli were all over it. Now, since they were getting engagement portraits taken, we did a traditional (well... as traditional as you can say that I am) session and then did the night shoot later in the evening. It was so much fun to get creative with these two--enjoy!