Friday, September 24, 2010

Awesome kids!

Little Gap models.  That's the best way to describe these kid-dos!  They were soooo good!  Look at these beauties!

Friday, September 17, 2010

D & T--I just can't get you off my mind!

I've come to terms with the fact that I'm obsessive in nature.  The clothes in my closet are sorted by season and color, I can't sleep unless the dishes are put away, the seam on my socks cannot be crooked in any way shape or form--I will stop whatever activity I'm doing to straighten them, I sort my receipts, my cash, my bills... I get tired of my endless thinking at times. I tell you this because I carried Danielle and Tim around with me ALL week. I've been behind (who isn't?!?) and in order to catch up and rest my mind, I've taken my lap top with me EVERYWHERE... to the surgery center--my sister had knee surgery this week, to various doctor appointments, to lunch, to sporting events... it's been everywhere!  However, I am finding relief even now when I type knowing that another wedding is being safely tucked away into the archives :)  Danielle and Tim, I've thought of you constantly this week--you had an amazing day and I'm really so thankful that I got to document it. Beautiful.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Alex: the heart doctor

I've met some pretty awesome seniors this past week.  First, there's Brooke whose name is definitely going to be in lights and next there's Alex--the heart doctor.  I forget exactly the type of cardiologist he is aspiring to be, but it's very specific and a smidgin beyond my vocabulary :)  It astounds me.  I stumbled around with 2 other careers while moonlighting in photography before I finally realized I wanted to that and only that. Kudos to these seniors for knowing exactly what they want!!!

Kristina & Isaac + 1.

Kristina is a dear friend in a lot of ways--she does my hair, she's in my bible study, she knows way too much about me ;)  She and Isaac are going to be welcoming a baby girl very soon. We're all eagerly awaiting, but until she arrives, know that you look beautiful pregnant Kristina!!!

Put Her Name in Lights!

Brooke has got dreams--let me tell you... she is an aspiring Broadway actress.  She didn't say it in those words, but she dances and performs and is going to school somewhere far away to exactly that. She's creative beyond most. And she's not just saying it.  Her schools are already narrowed down to 3 and she's heading out to do auditions at each of them.  Brooke, I'm going to keep my ears up--I know I'll hear of you someday doing great things... you go girl!

Friday, September 3, 2010

O'Banions before I sleep.

I'm exhausted.  Crazy, fun week.  I'm so ready to crawl in bed, but the thought of not getting to share the O'Banion's pictures with you really would keep me awake tonight.  Dorky isn't it?  I would let a blog post keep me up at night??? Well, I roll my eyes at myself sometimes too.  But, I feel that way nearly every time I finish editing a wedding.  Not going to lie--they are my favorite ;)  It's always about that hopeless romantic deep inside of me.  Nicole and Matt's wedding was no exception to that.  I'm sharing a lot of my "vintage" portraits with you. I don't get to use that filter often.  It has to be just right--the right colors, the right mood, the right setting--it has to fit the bride.  It does Nicole, a natural beauty.  Before I ramble, I must share so I can sleep!  Enjoy the peek!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

"...for the Glory of God..."

John and Shawna are a true testament to God's faithfulness.  They are expecting twins some time this October.  The twins are truly special--they are conjoined.  Kal and Jad are beating all odds--they are now into their 30th week and shocking medical staff everywhere :)   All for the Glory of God.  There is so much to tell about John and Shawna's story; her Mom does it best on facebook at  Join, read about the boys and pray for them.  God is great in ALL he does!