Thursday, December 3, 2009

Nikki + Jason

These two had me rolling... they were really a riot. Jason giggled every time I had him get his nose even close to Nikki's face. He laughed even harder when I asked them to kiss (although he was more than willing to do both.) We laughed because the dogs wouldn't sit still... because the ladder he was climbing on was well... a little under-maintenanced. We were just in for an evening of fun. I knew from the minute I met these two that they were going to be awesome. They have so much energy and are so fun-loving. They are meant for each other. I've only been with them for a couple hours, but would bet my camera on it that their love will last long into old age. Jason will be the older gentleman you see taking his elderly wife out to dinner opening her car door and helping Nikki out. They are just that type. I can't wait to hang out with you guys again!!!     

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