Monday, November 30, 2009

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Kayla - Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving has finally arrived! ... and I'm still editing. Don't have too much pity upon me though. I have until 10:30 this morning and then my long weekend away from the computer begins. I'll still have the camera of course, but no more editing until Sunday.

Sorry for the delay Kayla. I promised by Thanksgiving. I'm about 9 hours behind, but hopefully you'll still get to share with your family ;)  Enjoy! You were a fantastic model!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Race is On!

I'm spending every waking moment (and some of my sleeping ones too!) trying to get everything I can possibly get done finished so all my families can share their pictures at Thanksgivings. 

I see myself like the Thompson family one day... a family full of boys! I only have one now, but I'm convinced that every child Josh and I will be blessed with will be a boy. I've obviously made this scenario up in my mind, but after spending some time with these guys... I could totally handle a household full of little boys!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Shoes? What senior guy cares about shoes??? We were nearly 2/3s of the way through the shoot when Andrew's mom made a comment about his shoes... well... more like the lack of shoe. Andrew had worn an old pair of tennis shoes to his mom's dismay. That was alright... I had already been working around them ;)  That's life. Not every detail is always ironed out. When life throws you a lemon, make lemonade! (Andrew... you were a FANTASTIC model and by no means a lemon... your shoes were a little... well... worn. I'll have to take your mom's side on this one.)   

Monday, November 23, 2009


Nathan took me to a new spot to shoot, always love that. He braved the rickety dock, dodged many a mud puddles, stomped through weeds and appeased all my requests--which sometimes I do ask what some senior guys would consider a lot. Nathan you were fabulous!


Friday, November 20, 2009

Jessica + Brent

I have so much to write, but I'm frantically trying to get everything tied up here in the Craig household before I jet away for two days (no hubby, no Brecken... just me!) Jessica and Brent, the pictures are headed your way... wanted to give you a sneak peek though!