Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Back in the Saddle

It's funny how much I love my job... I thought I'd be taking a full 8 weeks off to rest and relax and get in a little break, but well, I just can't. It's been a little over 5 weeks now and I'm shooting again. And in my head I had aspirations of how I'd just be taking a couple appointments a week and I'd work my way back into it, again--wrong. Next week I'm already back to double digit appointments. I'm not one bit sorry about that. I LOVE what I do and in fact, last night at one of my shoots... I got such a gratifying feeling when I looked at the back of the camera and saw the images--I just can't wait! 

Here was my first appointment back from last week. I'm a little slow getting a peek up, but well... it's the first one back and I'm brushing the dust bunnies off my shoulders :)

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